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Episode 3 - April 2017
“Syracuse Nostalgia Podcast – Episode 3” features an interview with George T. and George E. Gelsomin, former owners of Sweetheart Market in North Syracuse, NY. George E., 95 years old at the time of the interview, shares stories about the Syracuse area from the 1940s and 50s. Both Gelsomins then tell the long history of how Sweetheart Market grew from a nameless produce stand to one of the most beloved stores in the area. Also featured on this podcast is a song from Zadoc: Vampire Theatre from 1996 and many more surprises!
This podcast is available below in audio only format and also on YouTube, which includes many pictures to go along with our discussion.

Episode 3 - George Gelsomin (part one)Syracuse Nostalgia Podcast
00:00 / 29:30
Episode 3 - George Gelsomin (part two)Syracuse Nostalgia Podcast
00:00 / 37:22
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