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Episode 8 - September 2017
The first segment of “Syracuse Nostalgia Podcast – Episode 8” features host Brian Hamilton and his co-host (and brother) John discussing their time growing up in the North Syracuse area in the 1970s and 80s. In the next segment Brian and John talk with Patti Gonyea, former employee of the Lost Horizon from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s. She talks about the history of the venue, as well as dealing with all of the bands that have performed there - including Guns N Roses, Ace Frehley, Bon Jovi, LA Guns, etc. This episode also features a song from 1989 from Syracuse band Sleez.
This podcast is available below in audio only format and also on YouTube, which includes many pictures to go along with our discussion.

Episode 8 - Patti Gonyea (part one)Syracuse Nostalgia
00:00 / 40:48
Episode 8 - Patti Gonyea (part two)Syracuse Nostalgia
00:00 / 45:05
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